Четверг, 13 марта, 2025
Сайт православного прихода во имя Святителя Николая в Исландии
ОбществоНовости ИсландииLet´s remember together: «Arctic Convoy» invites to St-Petersburg for the Victory Day

Let´s remember together: «Arctic Convoy» invites to St-Petersburg for the Victory Day

«Arctic convoy» invites to Saint Petersburg for commemorating Victory on 9th May. This project takes place in Saint Petersburg from 7.05.2019 till 12.05.2019. Participants can be from descendants of the veterans who took part in the Arctic allied convoys, historians and public figures, young activists of WWII memorial movements. “The Arctic Allied Convoys” will provide accommodation, cultural program and participation in commemorative events. Purchasing plane tickets and visa support can be discussed. 

How did it all begin?

“The Arctic Allied Convoys” organized an action “Immortal Arctic Convoy” in Saint Petersburg on 9th May 2018. Cadets of naval colleges brought 200 portraits of the Arctic allied convoys’ participants. All the portraits were provided by descendants of the Great heroes from USSR, the USA, Great Britain, Canada, France and other countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. This action made a big impression on the public.

This year!

Youth subdivision of Saint Petersburg’s regional social organization “The Arctic Allied Convoys” plans to celebrate the Victory day larger and to invite the guests from all over the world. The descendants of the participants of the Arctic convoys and those, who are interested in the history of the WWII will unite in the idea of saving historical memory and remember their grandfathers and their grandfathers’ exploits together! For the participants, we have prepared an intense program of events for 5 days from 07.05.19 to 12.05.19. In addition to memorable events, the program includes excursions to major museums of the city, a visit to the theatre, participation in the conference. Participation in all our actions and events is free! Accommodation will be provided by “The Arctic Allied Convoys”. Purchasing air tickets and visa support can be discussed.

The plan of the events you can check here 
We are waiting for you to remind the world once again of the reliable and strong friendship of the people who, in spite of everything, United for the sake of a Common Victory in the Second World War!

If you or your relatives are ready to participate in our project – write to info@arcticconvoys.org or call +79119223130 (GSM, WhatsApp) 


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